It’s that time again for another episode of “Red Lipstick Chronicles, Tips From The Lips of Successful Entrepreneurs Podcast….
Episode 1 of Season 3: It’s Time For Spring Cleaning
When you think about Spring Cleaning what is the first thing that comes to mind? For me, I think about changing my clothes around, my shoes and getting rid of old STUFF that I do not need or want. Clothes that are too small, shoes that are old and whatever else is taking up space.
I can think back to when I was a little girl, my mother would make Spring Cleaning an activity and she enjoyed it, but my brother, dad and I did not feel the same way (smile).
Well let’s bring it back to the business the business realm.
What are some things you need to throw away as you move into your new season?
If I were to give you some bullet points (which I definitely am), I would say the first is….
- Throwing away your old mind set. It does not matter where you are in your business, we all tell ourselves horrible lies about what we cannot do in order to go to the next level. What are some lies that you need to throw away that are keeping you from building the type of business that you need to build? The type of business that will generate revenue and give you and your company more visibility?
- Are there some customers that you need to let go of, that do not bring you joy?
- Do you have systems and strategies that are not working and you have been doing your best to hold onto them?
- What about your current way of marketing your business, is it truly attracting your ideal clients?
- What about the way you view money and your selling strategies?
- How are you spending your time?
- How about the relationships in your life? Are they serving you both personally and professionally?
- Does your website tell your story? If I went to it, would I know exactly what you do and how to contact you?
- Do you have the right system in place for hiring new employees?
- Are you caught up on your taxes and are you filing them the correct way?
- What about your email address? Do you need delete old emails that are taking up space?
- We are walking into a new season and there is nothing wrong with a little bit of Spring Cleaning.
I challenge you to write down the areas that need spring cleaning both personally and professionally.
As I close out episode 1 of season 3, quick question…Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I would love for you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss any episodes.
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If you are ready to do some spring cleaning and transform your profits to up-level your business, please fill out the link that says Business Chat. Let’s a 15 Minute Chat today. Ask yourself, what are you waiting for! Click Here
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